Holidays are Beneficial to our Well-being.
Research shows that holidays are essential to our well-being and mental health – everyone needs something exciting to look forward to. It’s reasonable to suggest that travel helps us de-stress because we do things that give us pleasure and distract our mind. Travel delivers that much-needed escape from intensive modern lifestyles and everyday routine.

Huge Increase in Holiday Bookings.
We registered an increased number of enquiries for the high season coming in over the last couple of weeks.

But why not consider a short break out of season?
Biograd n/M has a lot to offer. The mild Mediterranean climate allows for hiking through beautiful scenery on the mainland and nearby islands. A tour of cultural and archaeological sites close to Biograd will enrich your desire for new knowledge. Cycling on the surrounding bike paths passing through beautiful nature will improve your physical and mental health.

We look forward to receiving your inquiry. 
Just send it to or +38598219934, and we will reply shortly.